I’ve wanted to be a writer since I first understood what a story was.

I can’t remember a time before I was writing. It’s been a constant in my life that I can’t imagine being without. From a young age I had always known I wanted to be an author. All I wanted to do was make up stories to fill the pages, and then fill the minds of other readers like myself.

As a writer I was also an avid reader. I would devour book after book in my young adult era, and once I was in college and my classes were focused on reading books, I was hooked.

I hope to write a book someday that makes someone love reading the way I do.

“A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.”
—Susan Sontag

Lauren has a MFA in Writing and a MA in Publishing from Rosemont College. She has a BA in English, Double duel majoring in Creative Writing and Literature, minor in Professional Writing and Digital Rhetoric from Bloomsburg University.

She currently resides in Cherry Hill, NJ, and works in Philadelphia, PA.